Brain Games | Mon-Tue 10 AM | National Geographic

Messagesfromyourbraintravelalongyournervesatupto200milesanhour!PlayalongwiththeseclipsfromBrainGames,theNationalGeographicChannel ...,MagicianDavidCopperfieldandateamofexpertstest,trick,andfoolthebrainusinganelegantformofattentioncontrol.8.3/10(1...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Brain Games

Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles an hour! Play along with these clips from Brain Games, the National Geographic Channel ...

Brain Games (TV Series 2011–2020)

Magician David Copperfield and a team of experts test, trick, and fool the brain using an elegant form of attention control. 8.3/10 (132)

Brain Games - National Geographic

An exploration of how the brain works, focusing on how the mind can be manipulated to see things that are not there. Episodes. Season 6.

Brain Games

2016年7月13日 — The Emmy® Award nominated Brain Games returns with twenty new episodes, each chock-full of interactive games and experiments designed to mess ...

Brain Games Seasons 1

2016年5月29日 — This Emmy-nominated series is designed to mess with the ultimate supercomputer. Host Jason Silva reveals how brains process information related ...

Watch Brain Games Season 8

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard go head-to-head in the Battle of the Sexes, a series of games designed to find out how men's and women's brains differ.


Messagesfromyourbraintravelalongyournervesatupto200milesanhour!PlayalongwiththeseclipsfromBrainGames,theNationalGeographicChannel ...,MagicianDavidCopperfieldandateamofexpertstest,trick,andfoolthebrainusinganelegantformofattentioncontrol.8.3/10(132),Anexplorationofhowthebrainworks,focusingonhowthemindcanbemanipulatedtoseethingsthatarenotthere.Episodes.Season6.,2016年7月13日—TheEmmy®Awardnomina...